Wholistified Living Arts online studio

s p e a k i n g t h e l a n g u a g e o f p r e s e n c e

Embrace your multi-dimensional Nature

“There’s nothing like the a-ha moment …when the light-in-your-eye sparks at [your] soul frequency!”

Ever notice that no matter how much you’ve learned or planned for, Life is serving up your next tutorial?

Whether you’re wanting to shift gears by creating a more meaningful wellness lifestyle, or trying to move beyond burden and burnout, I’m here to help you wholistify life as you know it and feel more guided by your Life.

Recognize. Navigate. Alchemize.

Amid the cycle of shadow challenges and the illuminating a-ha is where a meaningful life experience is reborn and where flex-stability is found in a world of paradox…using your dot-connective, joy-filling, intuitive, response-able, sensitive, multi-dimensional Nature.

Start Here

If we haven’t yet met, I’m Nicole. Explore what Wholistified is all about and read my blog. May it inspire you where you are at, and may an a-ha moment ignite you to join me on your journey. :)

Connected-Individual Signature Series

Become a more Connected-Individual by noticing the not-so-noticeable in your everyday with my guided 4-angle vignette approach. (And — access the Quiz as a fun way to discover which type resonates with you.)

Shop Nicole’s Online Studio

Welcome! Come and see what’s in store!

Nicole’s Art Prints; Book; Blue Gaia Unity Oracle Deck debut; Write-for-You Mentoring; and Remombering Group.